Tree and Snow Removal Service

Black Spots on Maple Leaves: Prevention & Treatment

Black Spots on Maple Leaves

With their vibrant fall foliage, maple trees are a beloved addition to many landscapes. However, the sight of black spots marring their leaves can cause concern. These spots can be a symptom of various diseases, pests, or environmental factors.

Understanding the Guilty & Its Important Elements

The first step to addressing black spots on maple leaves is accurately identifying the cause. Several factors can contribute to this issue:

Fungal Diseases

Tar Spot: This common fungal disease causes black, tar-like spots on the upper leaf surface. While unsightly, it causes severe damage to the tree.

Anthracnose: This fungal disease results in black or brown spots with purple borders. It can root

leaf drop and weaken the tree over time.

Powdery Mildew: Although primarily causing white powdery patches, powdery mildew can sometimes result in black spots as the disease progresses.


Aphis: While not directly causing black spots, aphids can create conditions conducive to sooty mold, a black fungus that grows on their honeydew secretions.

Environmental Factors

Sun Scorch: Intense sunlight can cause leaf damage, sometimes in black or brown spots.

Nutrient Deficiencies: Lack of essential nutrients, especially magnesium, can lead to leaf discoloration, including black spots.

Identifying the Problem

To accurately diagnose the issue, carefully examine the affected leaves. Look for:

Spot Appearance: Are they round, irregular, or with distinct borders?

Leaf Damage: Are there other symptoms like curling, yellowing, or holes?

Presence of Pests: Check for insects or their signs, such as aphids or scale.

Tree Health: Assess the tree’s overall health, including branch growth and vigor.

Treatment and Prevention

The pertinent treatment depends on the underlying cause:

Fungal Diseases

Cultural Practices: Good air circulation around the tree is essential. Prune to improve airflow and remove fallen leaves promptly to reduce fungal spores.

Fungicides: In severe cases, fungicides can be applied, but it´s essential to choose the right product based on the specific fungal disease.

Consult with a local arborist or plant pathologist for recommendations.

Resistant Cultivars: Consider planting maple varieties known for resistance to common fungal diseases.


Natural Predators: Uplift beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings to control aphid populations.

Horticultural Oil: Apply a dormant oil spray in late winter to kill overwintering aphids.

Insecticidal Soap: Use insecticidal soap according to label instructions for active infestations.

Environmental Factors

Shade: Provide shade for young maple trees or those in hot, sunny locations.

Fertilization: Direct a soil test to determine nutrient deficiencies and apply appropriate fertilizers.

Watering: Ensure proper watering, especially during dry periods. Avoid overwatering, as it can create conditions favorable for fungal diseases.

Preventing Black Spots

Plant Health: Maintain tree health through proper watering, fertilization, and pruning.

Leaf Cleanup: Remove and destroy fallen leaves to reduce disease and pest populations.

Resistant Varieties: Choose maple cultivars known for their disease and pest populations.

Fungicide Sprays: Preventive fungicide applications can be practical, but consult with a professional for recommendations.

When to Call a Professional

If you´re unsure about the cause of black spots or if the problem persists despite your efforts, it´s advisable to consult with our tree experts.

They can diagnose the problem and suggest the proper treatment.

Remember: Prevention is critical to maintaining healthy maple trees. By understanding the common causes of black spots and implementing preventive measures, you can enjoy the beauty of your maple trees for years.